Your Questions, Answered: Can I Diffuse Oils Around My Pets?
Aug 18th 2020
As a general rule, diffusing your favorite blends around you furry (or scaly. or... otherwise?) pets is acceptable. However- We'd like to address a few caveats.
First of all, due to the way our pets' bodies metabolize essential oils, we need to mention that it is never a good practice to use your essential oils directly on your pet.
At all. Ever.
It can cause some major issues if they ingest essential oils (remember, even if it's only on their fur a little bit they may still ingest it!) or absorb oils.
Now to the question of diffusing.
Photo by Matthew Henry
As we said, generally, it is safe to diffuse oils around your pets, but there are certain instances where you may need to make the decision to not diffuse in your home.
For instance, if your little darling has a history of breathing problems, it might be best to avoid using your diffuser around them. It is possible that the oils you diffuse could exacerbate his or her breathing problems.
Also, if your pet is of the avian persuasion, it may be best to avoid diffusing altogether. Birds have a very sensitive respiratory systems and the oils may have a harmful affect on them.
If you do choose to diffuse oils in your home while your pets are inside, what do you need to know? Of course you should do your own research and find what is best for you and your loved ones, but we do have a few tips to get you started.
1.- Use your diffuser in a well ventilated are of your home if your pets are going to be around.
They'll want a way out (even just to another room) if it becomes too much for them. As the oils are diffused into the air, your furry friend's nose might be overwhelmed so he might want to excuse himself.
You can watch the response of your pet when you first begin to diffuse. Gauge how he or she is responding and continue/discontinue use depending on their response.
2.- Always, Always make sure that your oils are of the highest quality.
Just, always.We don't want fido breathing in yucky additives (think Benzaldehyde, propylene glycol, and parabens... and many more) and developing any illnesses or complication due to additives in your fragrance oil.
Of course iViva essential oils are 100% pure essential oils... no additives!
3.- Absolutely take care in choosing the oils you diffuse around your pets.
Before you diffuse, research the specific oil or blend you want to use to ensure that there is no harmful affect on your specific species of pet.
Photo by Yurii Stupen
We love your little four-legged friends too, and would never want anything to happen to them due to misuse of essential oils. PLEASE, PLEASE do your research and make the decision that best suits your home.